We are looking for a seasoned front-end developer to join our product team. This role requires you to be a tech-savvy contributor in translating the customer needs and user expectation into interactive web apps. You’ll be an exceptional problem solver and take responsible actions in ensuring the application is optimized both in technology and in delivering the best user experience.

Develop functional and appealing web- and mobile-based applications based on usability
Provide website maintenance and enhancements
Use a combination of markup languages to write web pages
Write functional requirement documents and specifications
Create quality mockups and prototypes on tight timelines
Assist back-end developers with coding and troubleshooting
Create cascading style sheets (CSS) that are consistent across all browsers and platforms
Maintain graphic standards and branding throughout the product’s interface
Stay up-to-date on emerging technologies
Promote usability best practices

3 to 5 years of relevant work experience as a web developer, UI developer, JavaScript expert or front-end engineer
Sound knowledge in HTML and CSS
Familiar with UI layouts, SASS, Bootstrap, and the CSS GRID system
Proficient with JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery, Angular et al
Experience debugging using JavaScript-based tools like Chrome Developer Console
Passionate to create good design and usability
A team player with excellent communication skills
Knowledge of Ember & Ruby will be a plus

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