Programmer Analyst

We are looking for a Programmer analyst to define, develop, test, analyse,
and maintain new software applications in support of the achievement of
business requirements. This includes writing, coding, testing, and analysing software programs and applications.
The Programmer Analyst will also research, design, document, and modify software specifications throughout the production life cycle.

Collect datasets and information regarding customer problems in the industry
Analyse the datasets and information to produce reports, forecasts and recommendations for the creation of a new program
Develop new and improved computer programs as required of the business
Create language codes for programs and review it for errors
Test the functionality of the program and troubleshoot the issues
Create documentation to help users understand how to use the program effectively
Optimise programs to be user-friendly, efficient and effective
Correspond with relevant departments to retrieve feedback from beta testers

Prior experience as a program analyst preferred
High proficiency in computer technology and programming
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Exceptional presentation and reporting skills
Strong research and analytical abilities
Passionate about creating solutions for customer problems
Sharp attention to detail for troubleshooting errors
Able to work efficiently with minimal supervision
Able to sit in front of a computer for long hours at a time

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