Senior Programmer

We are looking for a Senior Programmer to provide leadership, training, and professional development to
Programmer signed to their projects. The Senior Programmer/Analyst creates and maintains computer programs,
program documentation, and operating instructions, performs leadership responsibilities in the development
of reusable programming solutions, participates in the systems design process, and frequently assumes
responsibility for project maintenance, major modifications, or development of systems.

Supervise, coach and train analysts and programmers
Assess system capabilities and undertake feasibility studies that include financial considerations and time lines
Create workflow diagrams, explore alternative solutions, write programs
Comply with university standards for production, quality and productivity
Train system users, serve as an information resource, develop resource materials, provide ongoing support
Write documentation for system references
Stay on top of new technology trends, join organisations, attend seminars, conferences and ongoing opportunities for education

Experience in business applications programming
Experience in SQL or PL/SQL
Experience in systems analysis
Experience with complex relational database structures
Exceptional written communications, technical writing skills
Excellent organizational and time-management skills
Friendly and collaborative interpersonal skills
BS or MIS in computer science or business administration preferred

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