If you are new to the country, you will need some friends to be comfortable in a new place. At work if you have friends, then your work seems to be much easier. Germans are very private people and it's not easy to make friends in Germany, but you can give them time to be comfortable and make friends.


Putting on smile is very best and polite way to express yourself in public. A warm, genuine smile is a good way you can present yourself to the people. If you will talk to someone with a smile, it will look more positive and friendly. Just be careful not to overdo it, in other words, it should look sincere and friendly.


People in Germany are very helpful, and they expect help from their friends. You should not be lazy and help people like, you can offer cleaning up after the party. Also, at work place you should offer help to your co-workers.


Germans like to be very private, they don't talk about their lives in the first meeting. They take a lot of time to be comfortable and talk about their lives. You should avoid asking private questions like, how much they earn, about religion, or how much rent they are paying. Respect their privacy and let them be comfortable.


Germans give a lot of importance to punctuality not only in professional life but also in friendship. You are expected to be on time on every event, if you are invited for an event or a party at 7 p.m., then you should arrive at that time, even if you are stuck with something very important or you have an urgent you should inform your friends about your situation.

People are expected to express their honest opinion every time. It seems a bit unfriendly, but is meant as a sign of respect. Even among friends, people respect each other's opinion. If you don't have time to help someone or to meet or to go out, then you just tell them so. People understand and respect it if you don't have time to do things together.


You should keep your words in every circumstance, whether it is about meeting someone or doing something for the person you should do it without fail. Germans take your words very seriously, and they don't like when you don't do what you have said or change your mind at the last minute.

Also, never cancel an invitation you have accepted, unless something very bad happened to you.


If you really want to make friends, always accept invitations, even if you don't feel like going there. In such get together you meet a lot of people out of work and you can know people better. Meeting new people can lead to make new friends easily. Even if you have something urgent and you can't accept the invitation, then tell them politely that you can't accept the invitation with reason.

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