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Germany is always known as a great place to work. Not all people have the same chance of getting a job in Germany. The German economy is one of the strongest in the world, and there is always a need for qualified labor. Currently, Germany has more than 470,000 open vacancies and is also facing a skills shortage as per recent reports. So you have a great opportunity of getting a job in Germany, if you have appropriate skills. The job opportunities in Germany will be a combination of newly created jobs and the need to replace those who leave due to retirement, as one of the major reason for the skill shortage in Germany is an aging population.
Occupations in demand according of level of requirement
Experts are people who have completed at least four year of university studies or a comparable course.
- Professions in software development
- Professions in technical computer science
- Professions in IT application consulting
- Lawyers
- Specialists for internal medicine
- Specialist for anesthesiology
- Specialist for neurology, psychiatry and psychotherapeuty
- doctors
Specialists are people qualified to the grade of technician, or who have a university degree or similar qualification.
- Professions in elderly care
- Professions in catering services
- Supervision of civil engineering
- Supervision of finishing works, drywall construction, insulation, carpentry, glazing
- Professions in physiotherapy
- Driving instructors
Qualified professionals
Qualified professional are people who have completed vocational training of at least two years or have a comparable qualification.
- Professions in cable installation and maintenance
- Professions in elderly care
- Professions in sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology
- Professions in canal and tunnel construction
Some high demand professions:
Medical professionals
The healthcare sector will see more demand for nurses and caregivers, owing to the increase in the aging population in the country. Most job openings are expected in southern and eastern Germany. People from both EU and non-EU countries can obtain a license to practice in Germany. But their degree must be equal to the medical qualification in Germany.
Engineering professionals
The following fields in engineering are expected to have a high number of vacancies. Also there are a lot of job opportunities in technical research and development, software development and programming and IT application consulting. A university degree in Structural engineering, Computer science engineering, Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, Automotive engineering, and Telecommunication will have good career prospects.
Jobs in MINT – Mathematics, Information technology, Natural sciences, and Technology
Applicants with degrees in MINT, will have high opportunities in the private sector and research institute.
Jobs in non-specialized areas
There are also many job opportunities that do not require specialized qualifications such as nursing, mechanics and retail sales.
Germany is expected to have several job openings in various fields and will have skilled shortage of at least 3 million workers by 2030. If you are qualified for any of the professions, then you can try looking for a job in Germany.
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The job interview is probably the most important step you will take in your job journey. It is the best chance for you to show the hiring manger and recruitment company that you are the best person for their job, and you can do this by preparing well for the interview. Preparing for an interview might seem intimidating, but there are several steps you can take to prepare for a successful interview.
You should use the employer’s job description as a guide. Read and review the job description thoroughly. The job title will give you an understanding. The job description is a list of qualifications, qualities and background the employer is looking for in a candidate.
Researching the company before an interview will give you an insight into the organization’s future goals and plans. You can search for company website. Research about the company financials, culture, executive team, and competitors. Researching the company, you are applying to is an important part of preparing for an interview. Not only will it help provide context for your interview conversations, but it will also help you when preparing thoughtful questions for your interview.
Practicing interview is the best way to relieve anxiety and improve your confidence. Repeatedly practicing the interview will make you more comfortable. If you have someone to perform a mock interview, then it’s a good opportunity to practice for an interview. If you don’t have anyone, you can read all the questions and answers loud. The more you repeat your interview, the more confident you will be during the real interview.
List the possible questions and make notes of you answers. You can search and prepare for some common questions that interview could ask. You can make questions from your abilities and experience. Also check out some of the tough questions you might get asked.
Proper etiquette in an interview is important. Remember to greet everyone when you reach the interview destination, starting from the receptionist, the interviewer, and everyone else you meet. You should be polite, pleasant, and enthusiastic. During the interview watch your body language, shake hands firmly, make friendly eye contact, pay attention, be attentive, and look interested. These things you can practice in your practice interview.
Your resume is all the interviewer will look into in order to get to know you. They may pick things out from you resume and ask you to elaborate. Even if you have listed a job that you did many years ago, the interviewer may ask you to explain what you did at that job. So you should go through everything you have mentioned in your resume. This is one step in your preparation you should not skip.
You can surpass any interview if you are well prepared. The best way is to practice and being confident.
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Getting your dream job depends on how you crack the interview questions. Sometimes, interviewers put you in an odd situation by asking unexpected questions to see your reaction to it and how you handle the tough situation. Preparing for interviews is serious business. But even if you practice, you could still get a question you don’t know how to answer. A good way to handle such questions would to focus on your approach to the question rather than your actual answer.
Be prepared for the unexpected. A good way to begin thinking about the questions interviewer may ask. As you are preparing for the interview, research and think about the people who will be interviewing you. You can ask your friend to ask some unexpected questions so you can rehearse how you might handle it.
The questions may stump you, but try not to get confused and flustered. Be calm and confident in front of interviewers even if you don’t feel that way. Take a deep breath, maintain eye contact with your interviewer and deliver you response.
Take your time to process and consider the nature of the unexpected question before responding. Take a bit time to gather your thoughts and make sure you don’t blurt out anything that gives away that you are completely stumped.
If you are completely confused by the question, ask some clarifying question to follow up. This helps to not only provide you with the clarity you need but also buy you more time to formulate a suitable response. Interviewers ask such questions, because they want to assess, your ability to think logically. So while it may seem confusing, but remember that these type of questions have typically no right answers. So focus on the structure of you thought process rather than your answer.
You might be in a situation where you have to be honest. So, when you get a tough or unexpected question then simply mention you are not familiar with this concept but you want to learn. Organizations want to hire people who are authentic and engaged and really are true collaborators.
Above everything, learn from all your interview experiences. And remember that regardless of what question you get, focus on what the hiring manager is really want from the question. You may not be able to answer all the actual question asked, but if you are able to figure out what the hiring manager is looking for, you have already done well.
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Germany has a developed social media market economy, the largest in Europe. The country also leads in the number of trade fairs; it is home to more than half of global trade fairs. In 2016, the country became the third largest global exporter of goods and services. Germany host 53 of the largest 2000 publicly listed companies by revenue globally.
Germany has engineering tradition and continues to offer modern manufacturing solutions. This sector has more than 6,419 employees with an ever-growing workforce that generated almost 267 billion dollars in 2015. German leads in automotive industry in both production and sales. Worldwide German products are famous like BMW, Daimler-Benz, and Volkswagen for excellent engineering, design, and safety.
Germany has well-developed chemical research and development infrastructure. German chemical industry leads in terms of sales within Europe and exports to other continents. In 2016, Germany recorded the third largest sale in chemical products, behind China and the US. The same year, the chemical industry employed more than 331,000 people. Medical equipment and pharmaceutical goods are among the top German exports and give the country billions of dollars. The commodities include medical supplies, life-saving machinery, and other hospital equipment.
Germany’s consumer spending is stable because of low levels of private debt and unemployment. Germany is Europe’s largest consumer goods producer and market. As Germany is located in the center of Europe with good infrastructure, it has advantage to access western and eastern European consumer markets. The leading consumer industries include food and beverage, textiles, garments, shoes, office supplies, computers, telecommunication equipment, furniture, tourism, and home improvements. Textile, garments, and shoes industries are the second largest industry after food and beverages.
German leads in the production of green energy and environmental technologies. By 2050, Germany aims at reducing greenhouse gas emission by 80% and increase use of renewable energy by 60%. The country also has investments in wind energy, solar panels, bioenergy, energy grids, and energy storage projects. Germany has the largest electricity generation capacity in Europe, about 200 GW. The total wind energy capacity was 45 GW in 2016. Solar energy capacity also plays a big role in providing sustainable energy. The country provides incentives, infrastructure, and good environment for photovoltaic investments and energy storage.
Germany has fifth largest electrical and electronic industries in the world. This industry employs 29% of all Research and Development employees in Germany and accounts for over 12,000 new patents annually. ICT, the country has the largest market of its kind in Europe. ICT also rides on the back of small, medium, and big companies that need smart data services and products, security technology, and automated human resource management among others.
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Wenn Sie vorhaben, in Deutschland zu arbeiten, ist es sehr wichtig, dass Sie über das Berufsleben in Deutschland Bescheid wissen, und dazu gehört auch der Arbeitsknigge. Die Umgangsformen am Arbeitsplatz sind in Deutschland ähnlich wie in vielen anderen Ländern, aber es gibt einige Punkte, die man beachten sollte, wenn man einen guten Eindruck machen will. Es gibt keine festen Regeln, die Arbeitskultur ist von Büro zu Büro unterschiedlich. Aber im Allgemeinen ist es gut, formell zu sein, wenn es um das Berufsleben in Deutschland geht.
Pünktlichkeit ist in Deutschland sehr wichtig, wenn Sie auch nur fünf oder zehn Minuten zu spät zu einer Besprechung kommen, wird das als unhöflich angesehen, selbst wenn Sie nur fünf Minuten zu spät kommen, rufen Sie vorher an und erklären Sie Ihre Situation. Es wird empfohlen, bei wichtigen Terminen fünf oder zehn Minuten zu früh zu erscheinen. Die Deutschen sind äußerst pünktlich, daher müssen Zeitmanagement, Kalender, Zeitpläne und Tagesordnungen respektiert werden. Außerdem werden Projekte und Sitzungen sorgfältig geplant und die Organisationspläne sind sehr detailliert.
Ein kurzer und fester Händedruck ist in Deutschland üblich. Beachten Sie, dass Sie vor einer Besprechung allen Anwesenden die Hand schütteln müssen (ein einfaches Winken ist unprofessionell.) Wenn Sie die Besprechung vorzeitig verlassen, schütteln Sie allen Anwesenden noch einmal die Hand, beginnend mit der ranghöchsten Person und von unten nach oben. Schütteln Sie auch nie die Hand, wenn Sie eine Hand noch in der Tasche haben. Augenkontakt sollte aufrechterhalten werden, aber der Blickkontakt sollte freundlich und ehrlich sein und nicht unangenehm nach unten gerichtet.
Der Vorname wird nur in der Familie und bei engen Freunden verwendet; sprechen Sie also alle Personen an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz immer mit dem Nachnamen an.
Im Allgemeinen ist die Kleidung am Arbeitsplatz in Deutschland konservativ und professionell, dies variiert jedoch je nach Stadt und Branche. Viele Start-up-Unternehmen, Zeitungsredaktionen und einige Umweltfirmen haben manchmal eine legerere Kleiderordnung. Andere Unternehmen und Banken halten sich an eine konservative Garderobe. Bankenstädte wie Frankfurt sind etwas konservativer als Berlin, wo es eine große Kreativszene gibt.
Außerdem sollten Frauen kein starkes Make-up und nicht zu viel Schmuck oder Accessoires tragen. Sowohl Männer als auch Frauen sollten in einer Besprechung weder das Jackett noch andere Kleidungsstücke ablegen.
Sie sollten Blickkontakt halten, wenn Sie sich an Ihre deutschen Kollegen wenden, insbesondere bei der ersten Einweisung. Sie sollten Ihre Hände beim Sprechen nicht in die Tasche stecken. Sie sollten in einer Besprechung eine professionelle Körperhaltung einnehmen und während der Besprechung nicht die Hand vor das Gesicht halten.
Der Arbeitsablauf wird in einem gleichmäßigen Tempo ablaufen. Es wird erwartet, dass die Projekte pünktlich und genau abgeschlossen werden. Allerdings wird der Genauigkeit mehr Bedeutung beigemessen als der Geschwindigkeit. Sie sollten die Arbeit ordnungsgemäß erledigen, auch wenn das Zeit kostet, langsam arbeiten, aber versuchen, keine Fehler zu machen. Wenn Sie die Frist ändern müssen, informieren Sie Ihre Kollegen frühzeitig und erklären Sie die Situation.