Germany is a marvelous country, with great landscapes, organized cities and high standard of living. Almost 100,000 people from the UK and another 100,000 Americans have chosen to live there, the country is attracting people from all over the world.

Many cities like Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich are hotspot for the people coming live in Germany, these cities are known for their lively nightlife and excellent shops, and they also have fantastic opportunities for employment. The easy-going lifestyle in Germany makes it a great place to live.


The public transport networks are well-developed in Germany. The other benefit of higher taxation for Germans is a good transport system. The autobahns are well-maintained and offer easy routes through the country. Public transport is cleaner and more punctual than the vast majority of the other places. The prices might be higher, but you can always look for special deals or some different discounts.


Overall cost of living in Germany is relatively low, depending on location. Accommodation is relatively low depending on where you choose to live, rent is lower than in most western countries and the quality of housing is excellent. Germany’s VAT (Value Added Tax) is 19% and is less than many other EU countries like France (20%), Spain (21%), Italy (22%), Portugal (23%), and Greece (24%).


In 2019, among 163 nations, Germany was ranked as 22nd most peaceful country in the world by The Global Peace Index. Germany is considered to be very safe country to for travelling and living. The crime rates are low.


 Germans do work very hard and during working hours they are really focused on their work, but they also respect free time. People here don't late in the evenings or even during weekends. They usually finish at four and then they dedicate the rest of their day to their families and hobbies. That's why the work-life balance here in Germany is better than in many other countries.


Germany has a very healthy economy, because of a good economy it is much easier to get a job in Germany than in almost any other western country. Unemployment level is very low as (5%) now, and is also very low since 1990. Only 10% of graduate's work in unrelated to what they studied.

Germany is highly developed country. Country is very clean and looks very orderly. Country has a great infrastructure. Living in Germany also means living in the heart of Europe. It will only take you a couple of hours to travel to France, Italy, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark. Everything is accessible by car, train, or plane, so you can definitely have a lot of options for travelling and exploring new countries if you are an expat in Germany.

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